A new paper from a climate scientist in Chile, claims that global warming (climate change) “poses an even graver threat to public safety” that the COVID-19 pandemic, basically calling for “authoritarian power” over “maintaining democracy and rights.” The paper’s author Ross Mittaga, calls for “authoritarian environmentalism” to address the allegedContinue Reading

During the virtual “Climate Ambition Summit,” co-hosted by the UN and UK, Secretary-General António Guterres issued the warning that the world is facing a catastrophe ahead as it is on track to warm by more than 30 C by the end of the century “unless all countries declare climate emergency.” Guterres wasContinue Reading

The Chinese coronavirus pandemic is “just a fire drill” for what is likely to follow from the climate crisis “The overall problem is that we are not sustainable in the ways we are living and producing on the planet today,” said Lise Kingo, the executive director of the UN GlobalContinue Reading