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Joy Reid attacks Iowa’s “White Christians” in racist Iowa caucus coverage

MSNBC host Joy Reid targeted the “White Christians” who led Donald Trump to victory at the Iowa caucuses, where Trump acquired 51 percent of the vote with 99 percent of votes counted.

“These are white Christians. That this is a state that is over represent overrepresented by white Christians… Iowa is about 61% white Christian,” Reid said, adding, “The country as a whole is approximately 41% white Christian and in Iowa we’re talking about evangelical white Christians.”

Reid is hardly alone in her contempt for this “voter block” as Yahoo News began their coverage with “MSNBC host Joy Reid rightfully came for the white Christians who…” (emphasis added, Pops)

Video is below the transcript via MRC.

JOY REID: But I feel like the important sort of data point, and you know, Steve talks about it a lot, he’s gonna probably talk about it a little more tonight, is that these are white Christians. That this is a state that is overrepresented by white Christians that are gonna participate in the caucuses…

CHRIS HAYES: Particularly tonight.

REID: …especially tonight. I, today, earlier today, reached out to Robert Jones. Robby Jones from the Public Religion Research Institute, knowing that we were gonna talk about Iowa. And this is a hyper-evangelical, white state. And he said the following to me. Iowa is about 61% white Christian. The country as a whole is approximately 41% white Christian. And in Iowa, we’re talking about evangelical white Christians. He said the following. -Because I asked him- what do they get out of supporting Donald Trump? Because he keeps losing, he keeps delivering losses, and losses, and losses. And he said the following. “They see themselves as the rightful inheritors of this country, and Trump has promised to give it back to them”. All the things that we think about, about electability, about, you know- what are people gaming out, or- none of that matters when you believe that God has given you this country, that it is yours, and that everyone who is not a white, conservative Christian is a fraudulent American. Is a less- a less real American. Then you don’t care about electability. You care about what God has given you.

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