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North Korea food shortages: ‘Tighten your belts’ until 2025, Government looks to black swan meat

North Korea continues it’s battle with persistent food shortages and are now asking the citizens to tighten their belts until 2025, the year they plan on opening their borders with China, which was closed last year due to the pandemic.

Image/Donkey Hotey

“The food situation right now is already clearly an emergency, and the people are struggling with shortages. When the authorities tell them that they need to conserve and consume less food until 2025… they can do nothing but feel great despair,” an anonymous source said.

In June, Kim Jong Un announced that recent harvests failed and the government would be distributing grain to the population.

State-run media are even calling black swans a new and valuable food source during these desperate times.

“Black swan meat is delicious and has medicinal value,” and their breeding on an industrial scale will “actively contribute to improving people’s lives,” the report notes.

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