The Endurance, the ship of British explorer and World War I veteran Ernest Shackleton, was found off the coast of Antarctica in the Weddell Sea, preserved by the icy waters Over 100 years after it went missing, crashing in 1915, the Endurance was located by a team of marine archeologists andContinue Reading

With the pretext of “Global warming sceptics should be hiding in corners. But still some defend the indefensible,” Nick Cohen’s new post is titled “Climate change deniers are as slippery as those who justified the slave trade.” Cohen begins that “None seems as defeated as the global warming ‘deniers’ whoContinue Reading

During the virtual “Climate Ambition Summit,” co-hosted by the UN and UK, Secretary-General António Guterres issued the warning that the world is facing a catastrophe ahead as it is on track to warm by more than 30 C by the end of the century “unless all countries declare climate emergency.” Guterres wasContinue Reading

The article, titled “A New Weapon Against Climate Change May Float,” introduces many people to the offshore wind farm market, mostly installed countries like Britain, Germany, Denmark and China, which have large expanses of shallow water extending from their coasts. If platforms could be put almost anywhere at sea, “we canContinue Reading