A new op-ed published at The Guardian, titled “We’ve overexploited the planet, now we need to change if we’re to survive,” promotes the United Nations’ Biodiversity Conference and plans to reduce food waste by reducing or eliminating the means to grow food. Under the byline “Addressing the twin challenges ofContinue Reading

Aunt Jemima will no longer be the face of a popular syrup. Quaker Oats has decided to retire the more than 130-year-old brand and logo, succumbing to pressure from social justice activists. “As we work to make progress toward racial equality through several initiatives, we also must take a hardContinue Reading

Seattle protesters have taken over a a six-block autonomous zone made up of armed citizen patrols, called the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) with wooden barricades and armed checkpoints meant to keep out uniformed police officers. Above the precinct reads: “THIS SPACE IS NOW PROPERTY OF THE SEATTLE PEOPLE.” AContinue Reading