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VOX: Air conditioning is racist, calling for ‘cooling justice’ with cities full of white paint, greenery

Vox kicked off their strange attack on air conditioning with calls for a greener environment, but made bizarre turns, equating the techology with racism.

“What if the most American symbol of unsustainable consumption isn’t the automobile, but the air conditioner? In cool indoor spaces, it’s easy to forget that billions of people around the world don’t have cooling — and that air conditioning is worsening the warming that it’s supposed to protect us from.

“There are alternatives: We can build public cooling spaces and smarter cities, with fixes like white paint and more greenery. Some experts have hailed heat pump technology as a more efficient option. But as the planet warms and more of its inhabitants have spare income, AC sales are increasing. Ten air conditioners will be sold every second for the next 30 years, according to a United Nations estimate. Access to air conditioning can literally mean life or death for the young, elderly, and those with medical conditions such as compromised immune systems.”


Heading: “Air conditioning has a racist history and present

“You cite New York City’s statistics that even though Black residents make up 22 percent of the population, they account for half of all the heat fatalities in the city. What are the ways we see racism play out in the disparities in air conditioning and cooling today?

“From the very beginning, even before air conditioning’s invention, people who were enslaved in the 18th century were denied any cooling.”

photo/ cone88 via adobe stock license
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